Asmita Parmar

Relationship & Wellness Coach

Asmita Parmar is a SOCIAL A WORKER  Since 1994, dealing and working with women and children for their social development, health and WELL Being.

Mainly in corporates worked for legal rights of women workers at workplace I,e, their health and hygiene. While in NGO worked for SHG’s , social –economic development as well their health awareness for disease like HIV/AIDS too.

Since 2012, working as a  HR head in a private hospital where realized that the role of mental state is very  crucial for disease management especially in case of relapse of disease or severity of disease.

During covid 19, While probing into real cause of any illness , very interesting area has emerged  to realise  about the "Psychoneuronimmunity" of the patient where mind-body-congruence is the real factor to be handled to treat the patient effectively.

Since 2021, Insight for this congruence has motivated to learn and apply the techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming for counselling and healing of the patient.

While experiencing the effectiveness of the NLP techniques, my passion has motivated me to work upon the real ecology of the illness where I realized the “IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIP”.

Our emotion and thoughts are being dragged by our relationship and outcome is physical illness.

"To treat the illness effectively treat the Relationship with the Significant people of patient "

Vision - Mission
Vision : To Help And Guide 100 Thousand People Who Are Struggling With Their Relationship Issues Specially Related To “Parenting” Where They Find It Difficulties Like ‘Generation Gap’, ‘Communication Gap’, ‘Emotionally Disturbed Child’ And ‘Health Challenges’ Related To Child Through My Course “ Marvelous Parenting For Miraculous Kids”.

Mission: I am on a mission “to train and coach parents & kids to become best version of themselves for lifetime and enjoy the juice of healthy relationship and build stronger, happier, healthier and wealthier future". 
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